Saturday, December 4, 2010

eating dukboki

Hey Guys! Chelsea in the house!!!!Yesterday my sister's friends came over..... named Jo and Su........ KKK~ JOsephine and SUmin.......anyway yesterday infelt so bored they left me OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I told them but they still left me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then my mom said~ DUKBOKI IS READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and I was the first one there I handed out the plates,forks and that's it my sis. and me ate the noodles and jo and su ate the duk. when we were done we said a '잘먹었습니다' and then we played a tiny bit of dance revolution we played a tiny bit because we weren't good at it and next we played with the i pad we played smule it's a violin and it has a music book and we did a wedding march song i did the music jo was the Hus. su was the wife...then jo had to leave we waved bye then we played monster pop outside it's popping seeds and then su had to leave we waved bye again and then we went to sleep

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